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Published Scholar




Yang, H. E. (2000) The Role of Networks in the Transition from School to Work in Taiwan. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Southern California.


Astatke, M., Weng, C., & Chen, S. (2021). A literature review of the effects of social networking sites on secondary school students’ academic achievement. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(1),1-17.
Weng C., Puspitasari D., Rathinasabapathi A., Kuo, A. (2021). Reflective Learning an Important Key to the Success of Online Course Program. Behaviour & Information Technology, (in review)
Weng, C., Puspitasari, D., Tran, K. N. P., Feng, P. J., Awuor, N. O., & Matere, I. M. (2021). The effect of using theodolite 3D AR in teaching measurement error on learning outcomes and satisfaction of civil engineering students with different spatial ability. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-15.(In review)
Astatke, M., Weng, C., Desalegn, E. & Su, J-H.(2020). Preparing prospective teachers for teaching: the practice of teacher educators' academic advice provision to prospective teachers at a College of Teacher Education in Ethiopia. Journal of Education for Teaching. Accepted for publication
Astatke, M., & Weng, C.(2020).A Literature Review on Research Trends on the usage of Facebook and the Psychological Well-Being of users (PWB).International Society for Scientific Research and Development, International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology. Taipei,Taiwan, 09th August, 2020.
Puspitasari, D., Weng, C., & Hsieh, Y. F. (2020). English Medium Instruction in Taiwan: From the Perspective of International Students as Thesis Writer. International Journal of Language Education, 4(2), 194-208.
Weng, C.,  Otanga,  S.a, Christianto,  S.M.b, & Chu,  R.J  G. (2019).  Enhancing  Students’ Biology Learning by Using Augmented Reality as a Learning Supplement. Journal of Educational Computing Research. DOI:10.1177/0735633119884213. (SSCI 2020 Impact factor : 1.543)
Weng,  C.,  Otanga,  S.a,  Weng,  A.b,  &  Tran,  N.P.K.G    (2019).  Effects  of  tangrams  on
learning engagement and achievement: Case of preschool learners. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. doi: 10.1111/jca1.12411. (SSCI Impact factor: 2.451)
Otanga, S.a, Weng, C., Weng, A.b, & Chu, R.J.C  (2019). International  students’ tutoring experiences and cultural awareness in the digital learning companion project. Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences, 56(3), 373-399.
doi:10.6120/JoEMLS.201911_56(3).0029.RS.CE. (TSSCI 2020 Impact factor
Weng,   C., Matere,   I.a, Rathinasabapathi,   A.b and Chu,   A.C    (2019).   The   myth   of knowledge within a robust nutrition online training course. Online Information Review, Vol. 44 No. 1, pp. 162-180. doi: 10.1108/OIR-05-2019-0168 (SSCI 2020 Impact factor: 2.529)
Weng,  C.,  Otanga,  S.a,  Weng,  A.b,  &  Cox,  I.G     (2018).  Effects  of  interactivity   in E-textbooks on 7th graders science learning and cognitive load. Computers & Education, 120, 172-184.(SSCI) doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2018.02.008. (SSCI 2020 Impact factor 5.627 Cited by 27 articles)
Weng, C., Rathinasabapathi, A.a, Weng, A.b, & Zagita, C. (2018). Mixed reality in science education as a learning support: A revitalized science book. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(3), 777-807. doi: 10.1177/0735633118757017 (SSCI 2020 Impact factor 1.543 Cited by 3 articles)
翁兆言, 翁楊絲茜,詹雅晴,張晶貽 (2017)。探究互動科技結合提問式閱讀策略對學習成效與興趣之影響-以中學生國語文學習為例。台科大人文社會學報,13 (2),117-137。
翁楊絲茜、廖怡茹、張晶貽、王渝蓉 (2016)。大學生以英語字彙學習策略在Facebook上之應用研究。台科大人文社會學報,12 (1),45-70。
Weng, C., Tsai, C-C., Weng, A. (2015). Social support as a neglected e-learning motivator affecting trainee’s decisions of continuous intention of usage, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31(2), 177-192. (SSCI)
Ko, H. S., Weng, C., Chen, R. H., Hung, W. C. & Weng, A. (2015). A Study Comparing the Effects of Traditional Storybook and Interactive e-Storybook on Kindergarteners’ Reading Comprehension. International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science, 19(1), 93-104.
翁楊絲茜、夏至賢、王湄雁 (2014)。樂高機器人輔助程式學習之探討。數位學習科技期刊,6(4),1-12。
余思慧、翁楊絲茜、黃麗衡 (2014)。網路親子社群參與者資訊分享行為之研究。朝陽人文社會學刊,12(2),97-120。

Weng, C., Weng, A. & Tsai, K. (2014). Online teaching evaluation for higher quality education: Strategies to increase university participation, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 13(4), 105-114.

翁楊絲茜、葉怡宣、陳姿佑、洪婉甄、陳映瑄、王翌任 (2013)。大專生性別平等意識與父母教養之相關研究以台灣科技大學為例。性學研究,4(1),71-91。
Chu, R. J., Chu, A. Z., Weng, C., Tsai, C.-C. & Lin, C. (2012). Transformation for adults in an Internet-based learning environment – is it necessary to be self-directed?. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(2), 205-216. (SSCI).   NSC 99-2511-s-011-003-MY. 

吳怡如、翁楊絲茜、葉怡宣、陳姿佑 (2012)。學習風格對混成學習參與度與成效之研究-以公務人員為例。技職教育期刊,6,61-76。

翁楊絲茜、周彥孜、李慧珍、廖怡茹 (2011)。影響學生使用網路教學評鑑意願之研究─以國立台灣科技大學為例。台科大人文社會學報,7(3),1-24。

韋祿恩、翁楊絲茜、吳怡如 (2011)。企業員工社會支持與數位學習滿意度之關係研究。台科大人文社會學報,7(2),41-62。

翁楊絲茜、曾祥霖、黃伃延 (2009)。影響大學生教育抱負因素之研究。國立臺灣科技大學人文社會學報。台科大人文社會學報,5 (1),195-219。


How nonnative English writer perceived thesis writing problems in English Medium Instruction program? at 2019 International Symposium on Multilingualism in the Past, present, and Future: Opportunities and challenges organized by College of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Chengchi University and Taiwan Journal TESOL, November 23, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan
“L2 Writers’ Challenges and Strategies in Taiwanese EMI (English Medium Instruction) Courses, at the 36th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning Held at Tunghai University, Taiwan, May 17-18, 2019.
Chen, G. L., Weng, C., Zheng, Q. Y., Chu, J. C. (2019, April). The Motivation of Information Sharing on Line for the Middle aged and Elderly. Paper presented at The 13th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities, and Innovation (ICLEHI 2019), Osaka, Japan.
Chen, Y. C., Weng, C., Qiu, Y. S., Weng, A. (2019, April). The Effect of Integrating a Board Game into English Course on Six Graders' English Learning Concepts. Paper presented at The 13th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities, and Innovation (ICLEHI 2019), Osaka, Japan.
Huang, C. F., Weng, C., Wang, W. T. , Chu, J. C.(2019, April). Effect of a Digital Nutrition Education Intervention on People's Nutrition Knowledge and Healthy Behavior.Paper presented at The 13th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities, and Innovation (ICLEHI 2019), Osaka, Japan.
Jiang, Y. L., Weng, C., Leng, L. L., Weng, A. (2019, April). The Learning of an Augmented Reality Supported Course for Intellectual Disabled Students. Paper presented at The 13th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities, and Innovation (ICLEHI 2019), Osaka, Japan.
阮祥瑜、翁楊絲茜、楊沛穎 (2018年11月)。數位敘事法融入專題導向跨領域課程在高等教育中的實施與挑戰。2018第九屆教育創新國際學術研討會。國立清華大學竹師教育學院,2018年11月16日。
Otanga, S., Weng, C., Weng, A., & Chu, R. (2018,December). International graduate students' experiences with online tutoring learners in remote areas. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education, Teaching, and Learning (ICE18Taiwan Conference),  Taipei, Taiwan.
Weng, C., Christianto, S.M., Weng,  A., Zagita, C. (2018, October). A Motivator for Science Learning-Supplemented Mix Reality Curriculum. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Education 2018. October 13 - October 15. Tokyo, Japan. Website:
Weng, C., Awuor, N., Weng. A., Su, J., Tian, S. (2018, August). Impacts of Communication Skills on Learners' Input and Effort in Project-Based Digital Storytelling.Oxford Education Research Symposium 2018.Symposium conducted at Ioannou Centre, University of Oxford). July 30 - August 1. Oxford, England Website:
Weng, C., Lin J. X., Lan, Y. T., Weng, A. (2018, April).Social Support as One Determinant of Public's Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Related to Sugar Reduction Diet. Paper presented at International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology. Osaka, Japan.
Feng, P. -J., Weng, C., Weng, A., & Chen, Z. -H. (2018, April). The development and evaluation of incorporating augmented reality content in an enginerring drawing course.Paper presented at the International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2018). April 1-3. Osaka, Japan.
Weng, C. ,Shih ,P. H., Tsang, L. W., A. (2018, April). The Effects of Inquiry Teaching Strategies with Instant Feedback System for Chinese Reading Lesson on Students' Learning Interests. Paper presented at International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2018). April 1-3. Osaka, Japan.
Weng, C. ,Hsu ,Y. H., Tsang, L. W.,Weng, A. (2018, April). What works Bests:Investigating the Effectiveness of Instant Feedback System with Different Inquiry-Based Reading Instruction on Learning Outcome for Students from Fouth Grade Chinese Language Classes at International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2018). April 1-3. Osaka, Japan.
Weng, C., Weng, A., & Lu, Y. (2017, April) The Development and Evaluation of an Interactive e-Storybook about Tangrams on Preschool Children's Creativity. The ICBTS 2017 International Academic Multidisciplinary Research Conference, Las Vegas, USA. April 13th,2017.
Weng, C., Lu, Y., Weng, A., & Wu, P., (2017). A correlational study of how office workers' different personal backgrounds affect their personal learning network formation on Facebook. Paper Presented at the The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2017, Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan.Chat Conversation End
Weng, C., Yang, P. Y., Lin, H. Y., & Weng, A. (2017, February) The Impacts of Anchored Instructional Materials on Special Education Students' Learning Achievement for Mathematics. 2017 IRBEMSH. Osaka International Convention Center, Japan. February 16th, 2017.
Weng, C., Wang, W. T., Huang, L. H., & Weng, A. (2017, February) The Effects of different guiding scenario-based ebooks on middle school students' mathematical learning motivation and achievement 2017 IRBEMSH. Osaka International Convention Center, Japan. February 16th, 2017.
Weng, C., Otanga, S., Weng, A., & Cox, J. (2016, November). The effect of interactivity in etextbook on students’ learning outcomes. Paper presented at the 2016 International conference of Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association & Taiwan Education Research Association, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Weng, C., Lan, Y. T., Chen, R. H., & Weng, A. (2016, May). The Effects of e-Storybook on Children’s Creativity. Paper presented at the 6th Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC 2016), Kobe, JP.
Weng, C., Yang, T. Y. a, Ko, H. S. b, & Weng, A. c (2016, May). The Effects of Embedded Guiding Questions on Kindergarteners’ Reading Comprehension through an e-Storybook. Paper presented at the 6th Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC 2016), Kobe, JP.
Rathinasabapathi, A., & Weng, C., (2016, April 30). Games and Quizzes: An Effective Vocabulary Learning Technique. Paper Presented at the 2016 Hwa Kang International Conference on English Language & Literature, Yangmingshan, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
朱珮馨、梁至中、翁楊絲茜 (2016年,2月) 不同數位工具進行英文文法教學對學習概念,學習方法,自我效能與學習成效之影響。2016 STEM研究⽣學術交流研討會。國立台灣科技大學數位教育與學習研究所,2016年2月19日。
吳佩芬、翁楊絲茜 (2016年,2月) 上班族在Facebook建構個人學習網絡情形之研究。2016研究生STEM教育學術交流研討會。 國立台灣科技大學數位學習與教育研究所,2016年2月14日。
陳逸捷、翁楊絲茜 (2016 年 1 月)。探究角色扮演遊戲對國中資源班學生國文學習之影 響。「2016 研究生 STEM 教育學術交流研討會」發表之論文,國立臺灣科技大 學。(2016年02月19日)
Weng, C., Luo, C. (2015, June).The Development of a Science Book Utilizing Augmented Reality Technology. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Learning Analytics, Technology Adoption, and Language Learning in the Big-Data Era (LATALL2015), Taipei, Taiwan.
Weng, C., Tsai, Y. R., Chen, R. H., Ko, H. S., & Hung, W. C.(2015, May). The Effects of an Interactive E-Storybook on Young Children's Reading Comprehension and Attitudes. Paper presented at the 5th Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC 2015), Kobe, JP.
Weng, C., Weng, A., Tsai, Y. R., Chen, T. Y. & Chang, C. Y. (2015, May). Evaluation of an Ipad Mathematical Picturebook App for Preschoolers' Learning on Number Concepts and Their Intrinsic Motivation of Learning. Paper presented at the 5th Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC 2015), Kobe, JP.
陳姿佑、翁楊絲茜、蔡雅如(2014,11月)。互動式行動電子繪本對幼兒數概念學習之影響。 第十屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF)。國立臺灣師範大學,臺北。

黃麗衡、林欣誼、黃國楨、翁楊絲茜(2014,11月)。結合不同引導策略之電子書對學生學習成就與學習態度的影響─以數學「一元一次不等式」單元為例。第十屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF),台北。

Weng, C., Yeh, Y. S., Weng, A., Tsai, K., Cox, J., & Huang, L. (2014, September). The effect of self-directed learning on building personal learning networks through Facebook. Paper Presented at the International Education al Technology Conference (IETC 2014), Chicago, United States.

Weng, C., Zakharova, A., Weng, A., Cox, J. (2014, August). The Effects of Online Support on Acculturation Process for International Students in Taiwan. Paper Presented at the 2014 Summer Global Conference on Education, Ontario, United States.

Wang, M. Y., Weng, C., & Hsia, C. H. (2014, March). Robotics Education: An Extra Curriculum Lesson for Engaging College Students in Programming. Paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Education, Psychology, Society and Tourism (ISEPST 2014), Tokyo, JP.

Ko, H. S., Weng, C., Lee, H. J. & Weng, A. (2014, March). A Study of College Students’ Learning Styles and Strategy Use on English Vocabulary Learning with Mobile Phones. Paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Education, Psychology, Society and Tourism (ISEPST 2014), Tokyo, JP.

Chen , R. H., Weng, C., Yu, S. H., & Weng, A. (2014, March). Informal Learning for Mothers Participatingin Virtual Parenting Communities. Paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Education, Psychology, Society and Tourism (ISEPST 2014), Tokyo, JP.

Wang, M. Y., Weng, C., & Kung, W. T. (2013, December ). Motivation and the Sharing Behaviors on Facebook. Paper presented at the meeting of Pacific Neighborhood Consortium 2013 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Kyoto, JP.

Chen, Y. X., & Weng, C. (2013, December ). A Correlational Study of Perceived Social Support by College Students and Their Health Information Sharing Behaviors in Online Social Networks. Paper presented at the meeting of Pacific Neighborhood Consortium 2013 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Kyoto, JP.

Wang, Y. R., & Weng, C. (2013, December). The Effect of Health Information Dissemination through Social Media on Students. Paper presented at the meeting of Pacific Neighborhood Consortium 2013 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Kyoto, JP.

沈家葦、翁楊絲茜、王翌任 (2013,11月)。營利組織 Facebook 粉絲專頁上粉絲網路忠誠度對成員實體活動參與之影響。第九屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF),台中。
王湄雁、翁楊絲茜、夏至賢(2013,11月)。應用樂高機器人對於程式設計學習之課程成效評估。第九屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF),台中。
Weng, C., & Weng, A. (2013, July). The Development of Interactive Book Apps to Teach Young Children Mathematical Concepts. 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2013), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Chang, M., Weng, C., & Zakharova, A. (2013, April). Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Cognitive Styles among Junior High School Students in Taiwan. The Asian Conference on Language Learning, Osaka, Japan.
Weng, C., Liao, Y. R., & Weng, A. (2013, March). The Use of Social Media for Teaching and Learning English Vocabulary and Learning Strategy: A Case Study Using Facebook, 2013 Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program (TELDAP) International Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Chang, M., Weng, C., & Zakharova, A. (2013, March). A Study of Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Learning Achievement among the Junior High Students in Taiwan. 2013 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, Taipei, Taiwan.
翁楊絲茜、葉怡宣、陳姿佑、洪婉甄、陳映瑄、王翌任(2012, 12月)大學生性別平等意識與父母教養之相關研究-以臺灣科技大學為例。「性別與性健康-愛滋防治」學術研討會。台灣高雄。
余思慧、翁楊絲茜、葉怡宣、陳姿佑 (2012, 10月) 網路親子社群中的資訊分享行為研究. 第八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF), 台灣台南。
李慧珍、翁楊絲茜、洪婉甄 (2012, 10月) 大學生的英完單字學習策略在手機行動學習的應用。第八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF), 台灣台南。
吳怡如、翁楊絲茜、陳姿佑、葉怡宣 (2012)。職場學習新趨勢:學習風格對混成學習參與度之研究-以公務人員為例。第十六屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE), 台灣屏東。
黃伃延、翁楊絲茜、沈家葦 (2011,11月)。企業員工網路學習之絆腳石。台灣科技大學數位學習與教育研究所、東吳大學資訊管理學系主辦,第七屆台灣數位學習發展研討會,台北市。(2011年11月4日、5日)。
翁楊絲茜、龔萬庭、余思慧 (2011,11月)。從校園氣氛檢視學生性別平等經驗—以某科技大學為例。教育部高教司主辦,高等教育之性別主流化學術研討會,高雄市。
Wang, S. L., Hwang, G. J., Weng, C., & Weng, A. (2011, July). The Role of group processes in group motivation and collaborative performance in CSCL. Paper presented at The 2011 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.
陳曉筑、翁楊絲茜、龔萬庭、翁兆言 (2011年,5月)。台北市外籍配偶生活適應之研究。第五屆教育與文化論壇,屏東教育大學。
Weng, C. & Weng, A.(2010). Achieving a successful e-learning result from the perspectives of employees. Asia-Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2010, (APTEL2010), Osaka, Japan, September.
Chu, R. , Chu, A., Weng, C., & Weng, A. (2010). A voice from weblogs: the development of a scale for feminist learning strategy. Asia-Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2010 (APTEL2010), Osaka, Japan, September 24-26.
Weng, C. & Weng, A.(2009). Do school restrictions promote student’s intention to use end of semester online evaluation of teaching? Technology Enhanced Learning Conference 2009. Taipei, Taiwan, October 6-8, 2009.
Chu, R. J., Chu, A.Z., Weng, C., & Weng, A. (2009). Adult learners’ perceptions of peer support, Internet self-efficacy and e-learning outcomes – The group level effects of collectivism. Technology Enhanced Learning Conference 2009. Taipei, Taiwan, October 6-8, 2009.
Chu, R. J.& Weng, C. (2009). Transformative Learning and Constructivist Internet-based Learning Environment Preference for Older Adults. 19th IAGG World Conference of Gerontology & Geriatrics, Paris, France, July 5-9, 2009.
Chu, R. J., Tsai, C.-C., & Weng, C. (2009). Internet self-efficacy and preferences toward constructivist Internet-based learning environments among adult learners. ED-MEDIA 2009--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Honolulu, HI, USA, June 22-26, 2009.
翁楊絲茜、李育亭、吳富喬 (2009年,6月) 教師知覺學校組織氣氛與情緒勞務負荷之關聯性研究-以台北縣市高職教師為例。2009「教育行政與領導」學術研討會。 國立屏東教育大學教育行政研究所,2009年6月20日。
馬庭宇、翁楊絲茜、韋祿恩 (2009年,6月) 教師情緒勞務負荷與工作滿意之關連性研究-以台北縣市私立高職教師為例。 2009技職教育永續發展學術研討會。國立台北科技大學,2009年6月3日。

Ju-Chu, R., Weng, C., & Chu, A. Z. C.  (2008). Can Social Supports in the Classroom Overcome Disadvantaged Backgrounds of Middle Aged and Older adults in Internet Learning? World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 17-21, 2008.




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